หน้าหลัก รู้ทันประกันสุขภาพ Sunday Provides Free Health Insurance to Grab’s Hero and Platinum Driver-partners

Sunday Provides Free Health Insurance to Grab’s Hero and Platinum Driver-partners

21-22 July 2018 – Sunday is providing free health insurance to Grab’s Hero and Platinum driver-partners.

Sunday Ins, Thailand’s first and only InsurTech company and one of Grab’s partners made an announcement in front of 1,222 Grab driver-partners in the two-day event called GrabTalk Vol.5. Sunday’s representative revealed the company is now providing free health insurance policies, including benefits in case of accidents to Grab’s Hero and Platinum driver-partners, whether they are drivers of GrabCar, GrabTaxi, GrabBike or GrabExpress.

In addition to the free health insurance, GrabCar driver-partners in the Hero tier will also get free voluntary motor insurance type 1; while GrabBike driver-partners in the Hero tier will get free voluntary motorbike insurance type 1. This makes Sunday one of a few insurers who extend insurance policies to motorbikes.

Sunday’s booth also attracted many hundreds of attendees who came to join our activities.

The details of Sunday’s benefits for Grab’s Hero and Platinum driver-partners are as followed:


  • Health Insurance – direct payment
    • OPD: 1,500THB (2 times/month)
    • Drug, dressing, X-ray: maximum 20,000THB (room benefit 1,000THB/day)
    • 300 partnered hospitals nationwide
  • Motor Insurance (privilege for Hero drivers)
    • Motor insurance type 1
    • Free concierge service with 7-day repair guaranteed


  • Health Insurance – direct payment
    • OPD: 1,500THB (2 times/month)
    • Drug, dressing, X-ray: maximum 20,000THB (room benefit 1,000THB/day)
    • 300 partnered hospitals nationwide

GrabBike and GrabExpress

  • Health Insurance – direct payment
    • OPD: 500THB (2 times/month)
    • Drug, dressing, X-ray: maximum 10,000THB (room benefit 800THB/day)
    • 300 partnered hospitals nationwide
  • Motorbike Insurance type 1 (privilege for Hero drivers)
    • Car damage coverage 10,000THB (if the accident includes a 3rd party)
    • Third party damage coverage 200,000THB

If you’re a Grab’s driver-partner who is yet to make it to Hero and Platinum tiers — no worries, you can still protect yourself and your vehicle. Sunday offers special premiums tailored for Grab’s driver-partners. Find out more at grab.easysunday.com or contact us at 02-026-3355 / LINE @GrabaSunday / hello@easysunday.com

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