Sunday and Grab announced a partnership to improve working conditions for Grab drivers by offering ride-hailing coverage, Grab health program and Grab Gold.

23 May 2018, Bangkok – Sunday, a leading InsurTech in Thailand and the first to offer ride-hailing insurance coverage, partners with Grab Taxi Thailand to ensure a more sustainable and better quality of life for Grab drivers.
Sunday and Grab partnership offers ‘Triple Benefits’ of Ride-Hailing Insurance Coverage benefit, Health benefit and Rental benefit, to enhance the livelihood and work conditions for Grab drivers. With the Ride-Hailing Insurance Coverage, Grab drivers are always at ease on their journeys that they are protected while driving Grab and that they can manage the maintenance cost of their cars and improve their earnings. Grab drivers will also be entitled to ‘Grab Health’, a monthly insurance benefit, that provides free access to First Tier hospitals in Thailand for top rewarders and long retainers (drivers) who are registered with Grab. In addition, ‘GrabGold’ is a car rental benefit that enables drivers to rent Grab cars at a lower rental cost partly due to lower insurance cost from Sunday. Sunday and Grab’s main motivations are to dig deep into the driver’s lives and seek to capture understanding and insights for them to offer benefits that are beyond ordinary for the participants of the gig economy such as Grab.
Sunday is amongst the first InsurTech innovator in Thailand. An ‘InsurTech’ company is the newest business model in the insurance industry that combines Insurance and Technology together to solve the challenges currently faced by customers within the incumbent insurance industry. At Sunday, the InsurTech aims to provide personalized insurance products and services for every lifestyle and business needs by leveraging big data, machine learning and technology. At Sunday, customers can already customize their coverage in real-time at and get covered immediately and enjoy real-time claims services and benefits 24/7 via the Sunday Service App.
Sunday focuses on three main values which are, Affordable (Innovative, Promotion) – pricing for every budget. Instead of purchasing standardized pre-packaged products, customers are entitled to choose the service they really ‘want’ and ‘need’, regardless of their lifestyle or business needs, Smart – Sunday products are smart in the sense that it is developed through customer insights gained from data analytics. Sunday’s customer will experience a more delightful journey and service experience through an integrated sales and service platform developed with our innovative technology. In the end, customers can have a hassle-free experience and spend time on things that really matter and Easy – Sunday’s products are simple, fuss-free and uncomplicated.
“As an InsurTech in Thailand and ultimately South East Asia, we are on a mission to change the way the insurance industry currently serves customers. By using big data and technology, we are able to understand customers better which is why our focus is to offer personalized insurance coverage and prices for every lifestyle and business needs because we believe every customer is unique. We are also helping and will continue to help companies in Thailand like Grab to integrate insurance into their business and ecosystem so that insurance is offered in a more meaningful way to customers ultimately. Freelance workers who represent the gig economy, for example, Grab drivers are on the rise and we believe that Sunday is equipped to cover the gaps that these workers are currently facing. We are honored and happy to be collaborating with Grab to support the rising gig economy. We share the same vision with Grab and will continue to help Grab ensure that more drivers who own cars have a peace of mind that their cars, themselves as well as for their riders stay protected while driving Grab and that they get access to this especially when they spend plenty of hours in a day on the road,” said Ms. Cindy Kua, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Sunday Ins Co., Ltd.
Mr. Tarin Thaniyavarn, Country Head of Grab Taxi Thailand said: “I, on the behalf of Grab Taxi Thailand, would like to extend my greatest gratitude on this partnership with Sunday”. “Not only are we, pioneers in our own field, we are also growing together as a business and meaningfully improving the lives of our rewarding driver-partners”. “We have been collaborating together with Sunday since the early stages. We applaud them for their expertise and capabilities that truly help support Grab, Sunday is the first InsurTech business to join and explore our ride-hailing platform here in Thailand. “We are looking forward to potentially make positive impacts that would change the way people live”.
About Sunday
We are an emerging InsurTech company, providing innovative digital based insurance services and solutions to customers. We use “Big Data Analytics” and “Machine Learning” to provide customers insurance products that suit customers’ needs. Our services are customizable and useable via the Sunday’s online website ( and Sunday Service app.
About Grab
It was 2012 and legend has it, a few friends were enjoying some tea together. As is common with Southeast Asians, they started ranting about how hard it was to get a taxi.
But afterwards, they did something uncommon.
They decided to solve the problem. They started us, Grab (then MyTeksi). Pretty soon, our simple goal had transformed into something bigger – to make Southeast Asia a better place.
Today, Grab is present in eight countries across the region. And countless people like you, use our services every day.
Drive your Grab car with peace of mind. Find your coverage at or contact us at 02-026-3355 / LINE @GrabaSunday /