หน้าหลัก รู้ทันประกันสุขภาพ Sunday Launched a Pilot Project with DTAC

Sunday Launched a Pilot Project with DTAC


9 Mar 2018 – Sunday Ins kicks off its first pilot project with one of Thailand’s leading telecommunications services providers, DTAC, by offering travel insurance packages to the telco’s customers.

In another strategic move, Sunday is now offering a 10-day travel insurance policy to DTAC’s customers who purchase a “SIM Go! Inter” or a roaming package at a special price at 85 baht. This will help DTAC increase its customer retention rate and revenue generation while providing Sunday with opportunities to reach DTAC’s 23 million subscribers.

The bite-sized 10-day travel insurance policy offered by Sunday provides maximum 600,000 baht sum insured. This is also a part of Sunday’s micro-product strategies to make insurance more affordable, and the company the first in the market that comes up with such a product.

Find out more about Sunday’s travel insurance at travel.easysunday.com.

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